Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mmm, lobster bisque

It took 2 hours, but I made it to Trader Joe's and home. I had a great lunch of lobster bisque and a ciabatta roll. My bus driver coming home was wonderful about getting right up to the curb, so I had a very easy time getting in and out of the bus. And after I got home I even managed a little bit of hobbling sans crutches. (Did I say something yesterday about not overdoing it?)

The only frustration has been playing phone tag with Melissa, Dr. Williams Physicians Assistant. Yesterday she called during the ten minutes I left to go check mail and today she called while my cell was charging in the office and I was strapped to the CPM machine in the bedroom. Maybe we can finally talk tomorrow.

Tomorrow is also my first official PT session. I can now manage leg lifts, but I can't bend on the CPM more then 44 degrees without feeling pain. According to the paperwork, I am supposed to be at 90 degrees four weeks after surgery.

With the number of people who have told me that they are facing possible knee surgery it occurred to me I should put together my knee surgery preparation and survival guide. I have been mentally working on it, so look for something posted here soon.