Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Long day at the Hospital

A very long day at the hospital. Arrived at 7:00 am, surgery was slightly delayed because the hospital lab misplaced my blood work - what is it with my blood? - I still haven't decided if walking to your operating room and climbing onto your operating table is empowering or a bit creepy. As I was waking up from the anesthesia the heavy bass of whatever they were listening to worked into my dreams. In fact that is the first thing I said to the Anesthesiologist, is that next time I get to pick the music.

I got into recovery around 1:00 - 1:30 and they wouldn't even call my friend picking me up until 3:00 pm and we didn't manage to leave the hospital until 6:30pm. And it turns out that most people who have this surgery spend at least one night in the hospital. Dr. Williams offered me that option, but I just wanted to get home and metaphorically lick my wounds in peace. Had I realized how many times I was going to have to get up to pee out all the IV drip they gave me I might have reconsidered. But home I came wrapped ankle to thigh in ace bandages with a brace on top.

This was not the nice simple, easy surgery I imagined. They cut open my knee using almost all of my original 9" scar line moved a ligament he said was really not in the right place and put in a cadaver ligament. I am still processing that. I have a piece of somebody else in my body. It is certainly not as big as an organ donation, but still someone else lived with this ligament. And I have to wonder did they have a good life? Were they happy? Were they active?

Dr. Williams says no high heels for three months, so there goes my fall boot season! I see him to have my sutures removed next week and then start PT after that. Now if I can just lesson the pain, stop having to pee all the time and figure out an easier way to get in and out of bed and on and off the couch this will be much better.

For now, it's back to bed to do a couple hours on my CPM Machine.