Monday, October 19, 2009

It just takes awhile

Everyone has been telling me it just takes awhile and I finally believe them. I am still having problems sleeping at night and getting up in the morning, but everything else is getting easier. I took a shower, did my morning CPM, iced my knee and then met my friend Marion for a walk the length of our block and back. I felt like I could have kept going except, for the first time since surgery, I actually felt hungry, so I came in to make lunch. Maybe I'll try another walk this evening after my second CPM.

And I haven't been having the sweating episodes, so I am starting to think they may have been a side effect of the Percocet. The only pain I've really been having on a regular basis is actually where the screw heads are located at the top of my tibia.

Basically, I am must more positive and happy then I was just a week ago. Time for lunch.