Thursday, October 22, 2009

55 Degrees

I am exhausted and sore. I had my first real PT session today. I did leg lifts and other muscle exercises as well as forcing my knee to bend on my own, followed by the therapist, Dina, forcing my knee to bend. She had me hyperventilating in pain. At the end of the session I could bend my knee 55 degrees before I wanted to scream and have someone put me out of my misery. She sent me home with exercises involving a dog leash. Now I just need a dog leash. (That's tomorrows quest - well that and a new Metro Card.)

My only complaint was that the ratio of patients to therapist was a bit high, which meant what should have been about a 30 - 40 minute session became 90 minutes because of the waiting while she was working with other patients. I selected this place over the smaller independent physical therapists because I thought they would offer better/more PT equipment and options. But either they need more therapists, or to not schedule the ones they have so tightly.

I also spoke to Melissa, Dr. Williams' Physicians Assistant, today after two days of playing phone tag. She has stepped me down to Motrin twice a day for pain and told me I can sleep without the brace. She also implied that despite my previous assertions Dr. Williams may be a bit of a sadist. She said if he had his way his patients would be doing 1000 leg lifts a day! Yikes.