Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Don't over do it

My friend and heart attack survivor, ET, and I have been reminding each other that we have to be careful and not over do it. It's a maxim I have to work on remembering. Today I decided to walk the 2 blocks to the bank and back. I then went to the supermarket, I decided what I really wanted was some lobster bisque from Trader Joe's. I was feeling fine and considered hopping on the bus to head to the store. I called a friend to see if she could drive me and suddenly, while on the phone I was overwhelmed with nausea and lightheadedness. Luckily I was standing outside my building, but I thought I wasn't going to make it inside, much less onto the elevator and up to my floor. Once on my floor I stopped and sat on the stairs. The odd moment came when one of my neighbors came by, looked at me and asked if they should hold the elevator for me. I am sitting on the stairs surrounded by the coat, sweater, scarf and hat I had pulled off, not to mention my crutches and the only thing she asks is if she should hold the elevator.

Another reminder not to over do it. I have managed to up my leg lift count to 20. However, it hurt in a way that had me laughing. It was a weird sensation. I have also noticed I am having muscle memory of the CPM machine. There are times when I am not on the CPM, but my leg still feels the motion - sort of like when you still feel the rocking of a boat when you are on land.

The problem is I still want that bisque, so maybe that will be my activity for tomorrow, getting on the bus and going shopping. Just don't over do it.