Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday, Monday, Can't Trust That Day

Who knew I could miss the bondage boot! Friday I couldn't even keep up with an elderly neighbor who is recovering from a heart attack, has arthritis and walks with a cane. Saturday it took me over an hour to walk 5 blocks to the market, buy seven items and walk home, and that was without a line for the cashier. Sunday a neighbor asked me for a favor to walk her dog as she had to catch a train - I didn't time how long the six block walk took, but I was more then ready to elevate my leg when I got home.

Today I had a simple day planned with minimal walking - best laid plans and all that. I had to drop off a portfolio and thought I'd stop and grab a chai at the nearby Starbucks. I got yelled at by the manager for ordering additions off the menu and was told I was a "trouble maker". I walked out and took a bus to my favorite coffee place where they are friendly and willing to make my drink to order. I am left wondering what ever happened to customer service!

A bit more walking then I had planned, so I'm postponing some of today's errands until later this week. With multiple friends offering to inflict physical harm on the physical therapist I have decided what I really want (and am not going to get) is him running all the errands that have become more difficult for me this week.

The problem with the cast (besides it's bulkiness) is that I can't feel where I setting my foot down, so I walk very slowly and continue to overcompensate. And even in the cast the heel hurts making me a bit terrified that this has set me back much more then one week. I have already had to cancel one photo shoot and have one a week from today that I can't cancel, but have no idea how to do if I am still in the cast. That is a big fear for me, that I will see Dr. Hubbard Friday and he will decide I need more time in a cast and even more limited mobility - I am not going back to the knee walker!