Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Doctor's Appointments

Can't decide if it is a plus or minus that I was in and out of Dr. Hubbard's office in less than 30 minutes. The plus certainly came from not having to sit in the waiting room for more than 5 minutes and I got most of what I needed dealt with - even if I wasn't 100% happy with the answers. It was just a surprise when I left the office and reached the sidewalk to realize it wasn't even 11:30 (I had walked into the office just after 11:00).

With Marco on vacation, I had Greg as my PA. I had met him briefly the morning of my surgery. He looked at my heel and recorded some notes on the computer. I mentioned my neuropathy concerns and that Dr. Williams had recommended a neurologist. He thought it was a good idea to schedule an appointment and get the opinion of a specialist. Dr. Hubbard didn't fully agree.

Dr. H. did clear me to start physical therapy three times a week, though he again emphasized that I am not allowed to walk without my bondage boot. He said I should wait until after I have started physical therapy before considering seeing a neurologist. Told me that if it was related to the surgery, it was probably from the nerve block the anesthesiologist used, not from the surgery itself. He also recommended I see his choice of neurologist at his hospital.

When I got home I called Dr. Williams' recommendation and left a message. We'll see when she can see me and what she has to say. In the meantime, I see Dr. H again in three weeks and have my physical therapy evaluation on Friday. I have decided I want Carlos as my therapist this time. I like Edward, but I suspect Carlos will make me work harder - the way Matt did after my knee surgery.

Life goes on. Looking back the past six weeks feel like they have flown by, but the day to day living seemed to take forever.