Friday, January 29, 2010

Feels like 0 degrees

I missed both buses to and from PT today, so I walked the 14 1/2 blocks each way. With the wind chill it was 0 degrees F. Neither of my knees were happy. Actually, my right knee is really starting to get irritated and cranky.

More balance board catch and another new exercise of lying on my back while squeezing a giant yoga ball between my ankles and bending and straitening my knees. I can only guess what it looks like while you are actually doing it.

My left (surgery) knee is sore and hot and doesn't want to bend while I am sitting at the computer - probably time to put some ice on it and I may even take a pill (haven't had to take any pain meds for two weeks.) Actually, a nice nap sounds really good (one of the pluses of working at home).

Lots of exercises to do this weekend, while facing the knowledge that Wednesday will probably be my last PT session unless my insurance stops being quite so miserly. Did I mention a nap?!