Monday, January 4, 2010

Health Care - a Recurring Theme

I went without my anti-inflammatory pills yesterday. Not because I couldn't get the four blocks to the pharmacy, but because my insurance and pharmacy decided it was not time to renew my prescription. The ten days of pills may have ended on Saturday, but as far as the powers that be were concerned I was not due for a refill until at least today.

All that really meant for me was that I had some extra swelling, not fun, but not the end of the world. This made me think, what if it had been heart medication, or an oral cancer treatment. Somehow I doubt I am the only one this has happened to.

Add to that the fact that my insurance, in all it's money saving wisdom, only authorized two physical therapy sessions. It's a bit ridiculous that my physical therapist and I have to fight so hard for these sessions, especially when they take them away because they authorize more (see December 30th).

My problem remains that the bending on the CPM is not translating to bending when I am using my own muscles, my knee tightens when I walk (especially in this cold) and most importantly, it still doesn't bend enough to be of use when I am getting up from low chairs and sofas (and being six feet tall almost everything is low).

I think I need to speak to Dr. Williams about what I can and can't do at the gym outside of PT.