Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tired and Pushing

I walked too much this weekend, making my knees a bit sore and tight (though I was able to bend to 118 degrees cold in PT yesterday). I followed that up by being on my feet too much last night and today baking.

PT was about balance and stretching. Working on the rocking balance board was the first time I felt the burning stretch in my left calf and thigh. The surgery definitely tightened up some muscles I hadn't really felt until now. I want to be back to "normal"! I want the swelling to go away, I want more nerves to come back. I want to be able to stand up from a chair without having to use my hands. I want to not have to think before I walk up or down stairs. I want to stop being worried that I don't have the strength to take assignments. I want to be able to wear something other then flats.

Time to stop whining. I have a roof over my head, food in my fridge, and despite periodically needing to fight with them - health insurance. I am better off then a lot of people.