Thursday, February 16, 2012

Living in the Shower and Needing a Nurse

My MacGyver skills almost weren't enough to get me safely out of the shower this morning. The knee walker went back on Tuesday, so this was my first shower without that support. There were a couple of times I worried I was not going to catch myself as I slipped and once or twice thought about simply living out the rest of my days in my shower.

I had to wiggle my good foot across the wet tile, not putting any weight on the left foot and move the shower stool to the bathroom, sit, swivel and very carefully use my crutches on the tile floor. I don't know that I will ever take the ability to step into the shower for granted again.

The shower also caused me to notice two things. The swelling of my toes and the top of my foot is worse then when the cast was removed. I emailed Marco, but wonder if I should be elevating my foot more. I have gotten into working on my computer at the dining table for long stretches over the last few days. Besides not providing the cat with his preferred nap location, this change in location may also be affecting my foot.

Add conscious effort to elevate to my to do list.

The second issue was that the elastic bandage wrapped around my foot has loosened and moved at bit since it was first put on. I decided to try re-wrapping my foot and discovered that dealing with heel injuries is not a one person job.

When I unwrapped my foot, I found that the gauze pad had also slipped under the bandage and a portion of my stitches had not been covered. I attempted to put the gauze back in place and securely wrap the bandage, but I'm not certain how well I did. Hence my desire for a nurse or trained medical practitioner. Going into Dr. Hubbard's office to have it re-wrapped is simply not logical, nor is going to the local emergency room. I am leaning towards calling a neighbor to come help later as I'm not sure I did a good job - the suture line seems irritated by something when I'm walking and I suspect I should put a new xeroform dressing and gauze on it.

Combine that with two meetings tonight - one here and one out in the world -  and I have a very busy evening ahead. For now it's back to the couch and elevate, while dreaming of days I can walk without crutches.