Monday, February 13, 2012

Dream a Little Dream

Strange dreams last night. I only remember bits and pieces. There was a portion involving a large group of children and another involving politicians, but the part that stuck with me involved my foot.

I was walking in the neighborhood in my bondage boot and suddenly realized not only was I walking more than half a block and wasn't using my crutches. For some reason I had left them resting against a fence a few blocks away. When I walked back to them I found that someone had stolen the pair of crutches and left two mis-matched crutches that weren't even the same type or height. I was outraged some one would steal my crutches, then I woke up. Not sure what my subconscious was trying to work out, but it was definitely busy.

I have not been outside for another walk since last week. The weather has been cold and I have started to focus on the projects I had set aside for this time of recovery. It has been getting easier to get around the apartment and I have even managed to take my trash bags to the garbage shoot (albeit one at a time). My foot still feels numb and cold. I have been keeping the boot sock on almost all the time, including in bed in fear of the ace bandage un-rolling in my sleep. Even under the sock the bandage has been bunching and my foot has been feeling itchy. Here's hoping the stitches can be removed when I see Marco next week and I can start wearing a smaller bandage.

In the meantime, I am starting to think of dream photo locations once my foot is declared ready to return to work. Paris and Srinagar always top my revisit to lists, but Venice and the Scottish highlands also call. Much as I liked the Galapagos, I figure my first trip back should not involve that much water or A'a' lava. Maybe somewhere well off the beaten path (harder and harder to find these days). I have always wanted to visit Tristan da Cunha.

That said I'm in the midst of reading a biography of Gertrude Bell and have often wondered about putting together an assignment to follow in the footsteps of the early women explorers like Bell or Isabella Bird. For now, still in my boot with limits on my walking I have a bit if time to plan my trip.