Friday, February 17, 2012


The big activity of my day was to change the dressing on my heel. As I said yesterday the gauze had moved with the elastic wrap, so this morning I put a new xeroform dressing and gauze over the suture (surprisingly easier to do alone when the xeroform is moist). But before I re-dressed I snapped a shot of the scar line.

Managed to scare myself with how large and ugly it currently looks. You can see how swollen my foot and ankle still are, even wrapped in an elastic bandage. Can't even tell if the skin has fully bonded back together. I don't remember my knee looking this bad, though Dr. Williams used dissolving stitches and held the skin together with tape, so I never saw the actual stitches. (I do remember after my first knee surgery, 25 years ago, the feel of having the stitches removed, it was a very strange feeling.) On the plus side there doesn't seem to be any blood or leakage.  

The high point of my day came this afternoon with the arrival of my lunch guest and her feel better gift - a Starbucks chai latte exactly to order. With the first sip of the spicy extra chai I could again believe in a positive future (at least for my heel).