Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ignoring Myself: When Three Blocks Feels Like a Marathon

I said all those things about being good yesterday and completely ignored them today.

Got up early this morning and baked a large batch triple chocolate, double toffee, pecan cookies. Luckily I discovered that my wedge flip-flop is high enough that it evens out my leg height, making standing for long periods more comfortable. Having baked, I then needed to find homes for most of the cookies so they wouldn't tempt me to over indulge.

My scheme was to walk to the bus, take the bus to lunch with a friend, then another bus to drop off cookies and get a ride home, I figured the most walking I would be doing was two blocks to the first bus and one block after getting off the second bus. HA!

I did not walk the two blocks to the bus as a friend came by to drive me (and get a dozen cookies) to the pharmacy a block from the restaurant. I picked up gauze pads for my heel and some much needed allergy medication and then stopped in the physical therapy center, on the same block, to schedule my PT evaluation for the Friday after I see Dr. Hubbard in two weeks. Then continued on to my lunch date.

The problem arose when my post-lunch cookie drop off was pushed back by over an hour and I realized going home made it more complicated. So I hatched the new idea of taking the bus to the mall and killing some time there before walking the "easy" three and a half blocks to drop off cookies.

With no benches at the bus stop (which seems silly for a bus stop that serves a hospital), I was already dragging by the time I got to the mall, but still decided that if I was there I might as well pick up a few items. I was very aware of my foot by the time I got through the check out line and had to sit for a bit before I even tried to go outside. AMA compliance is great, putting the elevators closer to the store enterances would be better!

The first block was probably the easiest as it had benches and I was able to sit and rest a couple of times before crossing 5 lanes of traffic and continuing my journey. I am grateful for delayed traffic lights or it would have taken me two set of green lights to cross the avenue. Even with the rests on that first block, by the time I reached my destination I had managed to raise a blister on the pad of my hand and just wanted to sit down.

Hung out there for about 45 minutes, happily letting conversations flow around me, before getting a ride home. I have elevated and iced my foot and promise to be quiet for most of the day tomorrow. I don't actually want to do any damage, or set back my recovery, I was just so happy to be able to get outside and feel normal that I got a bit carried away.

If I'm honest, part of being quiet tomorrow is recovery from today and preparation for an event tomorrow night. Still trying to figure out how to pair the bondage boot with tights and a cocktail dress - don't have any idea what shoe to wear! But that is a worry for tomorrow. Also contemplating a Michael Jackson, with one glove to help add padding between my hand and the cane.