Saturday, February 11, 2012

Days Follow

I want nothing more then to go outside, even if it is just for a short hop. But even I am not foolish enough to try crutches and a bad foot in the snow. I love photographing in snow and right now the perfect, photogenic fat flakes are falling past my window. But I am accepting that is simply not to be this winter.

I have been inside for two days now. Thursday because I had to try to clean the apartment before hosting a meeting and yesterday because I actually got drawn into work. I had hoped I could at least make it across the street to the supermarket today and pick up the most urgent item on my shopping list, kitty litter. After looking out the window, I left a note for one of my neighbors and hope they emerge from their apartment soon.

Walking has become a bit easier, though I am beginning to remember why I'm not a fan of crutches as I build up strange calluses on my hands. I'm also not loving the bondage boot as I continue to search for a comfortable leg position for long stretches of sitting.

I'm in limbo until Marco or Dr. Hubbard approve the next move to physical therapy and more walking. For now, I will have to wait for the snow to melt before I can venture back outside and find activities to keep my mind and eye from atrophying as I count down the days to my next doctor appointment.