Friday, January 27, 2012

Pushing It

Haven't taken any pain meds since last night. Some pain, but I prefer a clear head and haven't been debilitated. Just would really like a clear throat! Woke up around 3am with that giving me more pain then the foot.

I still haven't made it farther then the steps in my hall, but have discovered more independence around the house. This morning I swept the floor. Can't say it was perfect, but did get some of the cat hair and other bits off the floor. Fortunately I have a long-handled dustpan, so I could get the small pile off the floor. Makes me feel a lot better about hosting my Condo Board meeting next week. My apartment won't be perfect, but it will be relatively clean. 

Still bored, but wound up with a semi-unplanned Bradley Cooper festival. A friend lent me the re-make of "The A-Team" as an easy movie. It is that. Then watched the movie from my movie group this month, "All About Steve", not my favorite Sandra Bullock movie, but it definitely had an interesting ending. Then decided if I had started a Cooper marathon, I should keep it going and watched a couple episodes of "Kitchen Confidential".

I am going to go nuts if I don't get out of this apartment, this mornings roll to the hall stairs did not do it, so my goal for tomorrow is to just get to the lobby. Don't even have to leave the building, just need to see some new walls!