Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Feeling the Love and Itching

Whatever higher power you believe in, I figure I'm blipping on the radar somewhere. A Brooklyn Priest, my Uncles in Texas and a Cousin/Priest in Louisiana have all been lighting candles and saying prayers for my recovery. Add to that a Muslim in India, a Jew on the Upper West Side and a Buddhist currently in Paris and I'm feeling fairly well covered.

The pain reached a crescendo last night and I found myself taking two Percocet instead of the one pill I had been dosing with. An hour later I found myself very itchy. I didn't see any signs of a rash this morning, but did leave a message for Dr. Hubbard and told the Recovery room nurse when she called to follow-up with me this morning. All I need, another pain med I'm allergic to.

Just getting up, washing what parts of me I could and getting dressed exhausted me this morning. I had to push myself to get some breakfast and then eat. My upper arms are sore from having to lever myself up without using my left leg. I am reminded again that it would make sense to have pre-surgery Physical Therapy / Occupational Therapy to work on all the muscles and activities you will have to do after surgery. But then again the term "health-care reform" seems to be an evil phrase in the US these days.

I continue to be utterly bored with my confinement, especially as I still don't have the attention or focus required to read any of the books and magazines piled around the couch and bed. (I have enough problems hoping these posts make sense.) I've grown tired of tv and Sudoku, but my throat is still rough enough to make me sound like I have a cold and long conversations difficult.

It occurred to me this morning that if my throat doesn't start to show signs of improving soon, I can't even go see my Primary, both because just getting out of the house is difficult and because his local office is no where near ADA compliant with a good dozen steps and no elevator. If I still feel like this in a day or two I will call my neighbor the nurse for her opinion.

In the meantime I have a scintillating schedule of watching workers on the top of the new Nets Arena and catching up on my Hulu queue.