Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cat, Odd Pain & Boredom

Day Three. Happy to discover that I have at least one pair of jeans with a cuff wide enough to fit over the bandages. Psychologically it helps to be wearing something other then sweatpants. I have spent most of the last two days on the couch with my foot elevated and a cat on my lap.

Remembering my knee-walker experiences last year, I expected to push forward faster. Instead I have been stymied by a new, sharp pain on the outside of my leg where the muscles attach to my shin or knee. I kept thinking that a hard part of the brace under the bandages was digging in, but the pain is located above the top of the bandages. I mentioned it to the nurse who called to check on me Sunday, but her only recommendation was to take some Tylenol and it would go away. It hasn't. Though it only starts to hurt when I am on the knee-walker, it makes using the knee-walker for more than necessities very uncomfortable.

While I do have my crutches, the problem then becomes the cat. He keeps getting under the knee-walker and I am forever trying to get him to move so that I don't run him over. I fear that he would be just as bad if I were on crutches, only I would not have the stability to stop and maneuver to avoid him. I do not need or want an ER visit because the cat tripped me and I went splat.

So I sit on the couch surrounded by books, magazines, DVDs and my computer and slowly go stir-crazy. On the plus-side, with the probability of rain and snow the next two days, the world outside my windows won't look quite so inviting!