Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Go knee

Swelling is down some and I was able to bend pretty well at PT today. It was my last session with Dina as she is going on maternity leave and I am really hoping I am done by the time she comes back in three months.

I undoubtedly walked a bit more then Melissa would have liked, but I was able to bend my knee while doing it, though I am still throwing my hip a bit. While I know what I have to do to get better, I can't completely give up my life or I lose half the purpose in getting better. And I hooked up to the Game Ready as soon as I got home.

The fun part of my day involved confusion with my insurance. Here's a conundrum for you that I'm not sure I will ever fully understand. When I got to PT I was told I had no more authorized sessions. I have been diligent in keeping track and knew this was supposed to be the final session from my last approval. But here's the rub, if I get an authorization for four sessions, but my re-evaluation is done during my third session and the insurance approves another group of sessions before I have actually had the fourth session from the first authorization, I lose that session. So, if my new authorization is for four more sessions, instead of having eight sessions, I get seven.

Is this some sort of new math? How do I lose a PT session because I have been approved for more PT? My brain hurts from trying to find the logic in this. And we don't need health care reform?!