Thursday, December 24, 2009

Bah Humbug

Something is wrong with my knee. This is different then anything else I have been through.

I managed not to call the hospital when I started crying at 3:30 am after a cat walked on my knee. But I didn't get much sleep after that. Even got up and iced it - didn't help. The added bonus of my night is that I found the epidural spot would start to hurt if I lay on my back to long, and I couldn't get my knee really comfortable on my side. And my knee wouldn't even bear the passive weight of lying on my stomach.

There is a hard swollen lump the diameter of a softball on the outside of my knee reaching up towards my femur. Is 6:30 am too early to call the hospital?

I'm going to go ice some more and see if I can hold off calling until 8 am.