Monday, November 2, 2009

Quiet Day

Today was all about work. I had an assignment idea and started working on a proposal and looking at what I needed to make it a reality. Answer, about $20,000 and knees that work.

As to the second part I was able to bend to 90 degrees both CPM sessions today, but not really above it. Let's hope I can bend to 90 degrees out of the machine tomorrow. My biggest fear is that my knee tightens up between PT and the doctor.

I also have to sit down and write out my questions for Dr. Williams and Melissa. I forgot some last time and that left me fumbling a bit after the appointment. The main one being when do you expect the incision to be healed enough for me to go swimming? How much longer should I plan on keeping the CPM machine? I have the PT re-evaluation for my insurance in 2 weeks, what are my goals for physical therapy? Can I have the screws removed in June instead of July (see first paragraph)? How long will the screw removal take to heal (see first paragraph)? When should I be trying to venture outside without my brace? Compared to the last 23 years, how much am I going to have to baby my knee? Any ideas how long it's going to take the tape to fall off? When can I shower without plastic wrap? When can I start boxing again? The other knee is starting to hurt more, what can I do for it? If I have to have the second knee done in January am I likely to have screws with that one too (that would really mess up first paragraph)? Is it possible to get a letter to go with the arthroscopic picture of the screws, in case I travel somewhere I get wanded? Any idea how long the nerves will take to regenerate? How much walking should I be doing every day (i.e. was the mall and back stupid)? It's two months before I can start wearing heels, how long before I can learn to Tango?

I'm sure there are others, but that's a start.