Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Adding Another Voice

11 days to surgery. Today was a visit to my primary for my pre-op physical. I knew the tests, came ready to have blood drawn and pee in a cup. What I wasn't expecting was for my primary to say "Everything is fine, but I want you to see a Cardiologist."

The problem is that a small sinus arrhythmia showed up on my EKG. Not a huge issue, until you combine it with general anesthesia. So my doctor wants to get a second opinion from a specialist.

This brings the number of doctors involved in this surgery up to six (not counting my primary and previous foot surgeon). My new surgeon has been consulting with my knee surgeon, anesthesiologist, neurologist, hematologist and now cardiologist. Luckily only two will be in the operating room, or it would be very crowded.

And I am left with six days to fret over this finding until my appointment with the cardiologist next Monday. Bright side is that my primary shares an office with a cardiologist, so I was able to make an appointment quickly.

I guess it's back to moving furniture to make my apartment more knee-walker friendly.