I wanted to talk about happy news today like the fact that I got a letter from Oxford, my insurance, yesterday stating that they had approved payment for my CPM machine, but even that was taken from me as today's mail brought a letter from Oxford dated the same day as the first, with the same reference number denying coverage for my CPM machine. And of course it is almost 5pm so the office is closed for the day. I don;t know if they will be open Sunday, or if this will have to wait until after the holiday weekend. And that just adds to my already long, crappy day.
I woke up around 5am uncomfortable from staying in one position all night and tried to get more comfortable and doze. Gave up on that around 6:30am, got up and had breakfast. While sitting on the couch I looked down and noticed that my left calf, ankle and foot were very swollen and a bit red. They had not been like this when I had my shower yesterday. The calf was sore, but I couldn't tell how much of that was after-effects of the surgery, the brace or the CPM machine versus something new. Around 7:45am I finally decided to call my surgeon's service. It took 3 calls of 5 to 10 minutes of sitting on classical hold music before I even got the service to answer the phone. I left a message and then after waiting some more called my wonderful neighbor and nurse, Lori (you may remember she supervised my nervous first bandage change). She came over and decided that I probably didn't have a blood clot, but wanted to take me to the ER anyway. After some hemming and hawing I finally agreed, so off we went to Methodist Hospital.
She dropped me off just before 9:00am at the side door closest to the ER entrance - which was locked, meaning I had to walk down the block to the main entrance and then walk the lobby, that can best be described as a perfect skate park, back to the ER. I was exhausted by the time I finally signed in. (Note to Methodist - if you want to keep that side door lock for security reasons set up a camera and a buzzer so that the ER receptionist can let people in!)
I saw the Triage Nurse around 9:30am. Told her my concerns, lifted my left sweatpants leg to show her the swelling, got an elevated blood pressure, but no temperature and went back to the low, uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room. Called into the ER around 11:45am. Another long hallway to get to my cubicle. Before I even saw a Doctor an Orderly came by to take me for a Doppler. I learned later it is the new procedure that someone - I guess the Triage Nurse can order tests so that when you see the doctor they have a better picture of your condition. (I'm guessing it will be the new thing Insurance Companies fight about.)
So just after 12:00pm I was up in Ultrasound and getting a Doppler scan on my left leg. One thing to be happy about today - no clot. Back in the ER by 12:30pm and the Resident, Dr. Hawkins, came to tell me that sometimes Doppler doesn't find the clot (enough, no clot makes Erika happy). She agreed my right calf and foot are colder to the touch then my right, but I have a pulse in my foot and could she look at my incision. She went to get more gauze and wrapping while I took off the brace and dressing. She seemed surprised that I was not expecting her to do everything for me. There was a red spot on the outside of my knee, I guess where the new ligament is located. It was hot to the touch - the only spot on my knee that was warm. She decided to have her Attending take a look at it.
At 1:54 pm (I had figured out where the tv remote was hidden and changed the channel from college football to CNN) the Attending arrived and decided that I may have an infection and gave me two prescriptions for antibiotics and sent me home.
When I got home there was a call on my answering machine from the Doctor covering for my Surgeon this weekend. He had been in rounds and finally called me back at 10:34. I had him paged. He didn't respond, so I called the service again - this time they answered. He called me back within 10 minutes.
He was happy I had had the Doppler, but was not happy the ER hadn't taken blood. He didn't think I had an infection and told me not to take the antibiotics, but to call again tomorrow if it was still red and hot.
So basically it was a very long day. I do have to say "thank you" to Lori for coming over and taking me to the hospital and Jan for coming to pick me up. My only request is that you consider lower riding SUV's for your next vehicles!