Friday, October 2, 2009


Four days to surgery. I should find out today what time I have to be at the hospital on Monday.

Right now my frustration level is higher then my fear factor. Dr. Williams better be an amazing surgeon to make up for the problems with his office staff. It took 3 phone calls to just get someone to return my call and actually schedule the surgery. Then, despite telling me I would receive an e-mail with the list of blood tests and such I needed from my Primary, I had to call the office from my doctor's office to have them fax the needed tests. I finally do get an e-mail requesting other information and when I respond to that and mention that Dr. Williams wanted me to have an MRI so he could access any cartilage damage I never heard back - and that was a week ago.

Yesterday I got a call from a medical supply place saying that my insurance was denying coverage for one of the post-op equipment (a continuous passive motion machine) because I was not having a full knee replacement. So I called my insurance, who stated they needed a letter from my surgeon stating my need for it. Called the doctors office - explained the problem, was told I would get a call back that afternoon for more information. No call. Did I mention it is Friday and my surgery is Monday?

I suspect were I one of his pro-athlete clients I would be getting a better response from his staff. Believe it or not, I don't actually enjoy being a nag and I am sure he has other patients, but still.

I had a major internal debate when I started this blog on if I would list my surgeons name and the facilities where I was having surgery and physical therapy. I'm still not sure, but I will say if you are having surgery with him and you are not a celebrity or pro athlete be prepared to be frustrated with his office personnel.